Wednesday, October 7, 2009

yes, music is my inspiration...

If the 7,164 songs in my iTunes music collection isn't evidence enough, I don't know what is...

There is rarely a time when I'm doing "nothing" because listening to music is certainly "something," and I will gladly take my headphones and block out the world if I do not deem Tasks A, B, C to be more important than one of those 7,164 songs at a given time. This process continues until it would be either detrimental or inhumane to partake anymore. I'm being candid here but I'm also being quite honest. I can't think of an expletive strong enough to think about how much I don't care about the problems others have with my relationship with music, and people have learned that the best thing to do is to just expect that.

The reason why I embrace music is because it has had it's place during every point of my life and I can connect each memory on the timeline with a song. It's been my escapism and my muse. I'm well on my way to being deaf before 75% of my peers and it still doesn't matter.

I hope you, reader, feel just as passionately about your "something."

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